When Broly ascends it, he is almost completely mad, though he can still control it a bit. Broly can't even Control his Normal Form, not to say this form. However, when Vegeta ascended, he could control it a little bit because he can control his Great Ape form, which Super Saiyan 5 is technically the Great Gray Ape form, in a more impact and powerful way (If Vegeta hadnt had this advantage, The Z-Fighters would of had to kill him to stop him from destroying the Planet). When Goku ascends to the Form during the Fight with Xicor, he can do it as easily as Super Saiyan 4, because of this. When Goku achieved it first, he says that it was hard to control his own power and wreck things, until he soon got control and could hardly control it. The only problem with this form, is that it lacks the Power Control that is possible without training in the Previous Super Saiyan forms prior to this (Not Counting False Super Saiyan). When Goku first achieved this form, he had to become a Great Golden Ape and then a Great Gray Ape (turning Gray) and gain control by the Z- Fighters to then ascend to this form. If the user has achieved Super Saiyan 4, than he can acheive this form. It is not much different than the Super Saiyan 4 in looks and personallity. It is 800x the power of the user's base form, and Goku was the first to acheive this Form, due to his training in the Other World with Shenron after Dragon Ball GT. This form is all The Super Saiyan transformations combined in one. The user must be a Super Saiyan 4 and transform into a Great Gray Ape and regain concious control over the form, and he will become a Super Saiyan 5. The fifth form of Super Saiyan and successor to Super Saiyan 4 and suceeded by Super Saiyan 6.